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Inserting an image

Screen snapshot should be saved either as .png or .gif files. On OsX you can take a screen snapshot of the part of a screen using SHIFTCMD4 and then draw the selection of the screen you would like to save.

On OsX

Buy and install Gifox. It allows to make nice animated gif

On windows

We should put the images in a folder called img at the same level as the md document.

![Import file](./img/import_from_file_system.png)

In this code ! indicates that you are inserting an image and that this is not a link. In the square bracket you will add a small image description used for visually impaired persons. Finally in parenthesis you will add the relative path to the image. Because we put all the images in a folder called img at the same level of the md file the relative path should starts with ./img/.

Please don't use spaces in the name of the image but only '-'.