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Title Block

Sometimes, it may be required to display the acquisition parameters directly on the spectrum. This can be achieved through the General settings.

Select the Title Block tab and check the box Display spectrum info.

You are also able to fully customize the fields you would like to display.

This involves adding any parameter present in the experiment, such as solvent, pulse sequence, etc.

Various dates

In the field info we have 3 different dates:

  • info.localeDate, the representation of the date based on your local preferences
  •, the GMT date
  • info.epoch, the number of elapsed milliseconds since January 1, 1970

Here is an example on how those 3 fields are rendered:

Getting the name correct

The is extracted from the filename that is being loaded in NMRium. If you have Bruker folder you should not drag / drop the folder containing the experiment (like 1 for example) but the parent folder of the experiment.